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The huge black man just stood there with a smile on his face. 'I'm sorry, honey.but I know what I want now.' This only caused my father to cry even more. Just please don't end this.' My mother leaned down, picked up my father's suitcase, and threw it at him. I stared over towards the door as my father started to cry. I have no idea what exactly happened down there, but my mother came back with a huge muscular black man that she insists on always being around. My mom and dad recently took a trip down to Jamaica for some time off together.

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God only knows why she's just now deciding to be with this horrible new black boyfriend she found. My mother was a beautiful middle aged woman who could easily get any man she could ever want. 'Please, ease don't kick me out.' I peeked around the corner and saw my dad on his knees in front of my mom and her new boyfriend. If you cannot handle reading that word, then this story isn't for you! WARNING: I tend to use the 'n-word' in my stories quite a bit.

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